Conjugate -IR Verbs Regular French Pronunciation Pdf Conjugations 2nd group

Conjugate French Regular '-IR' verbs with infinitives ending in -ir like: agir, choisir, finir. Online Conjugator for french regular verbs on second group. You can edit cnjugated verbs to create Free French Lessons, Quizzes, Conjugation Tables, Homeworks, Tests.

Conjugation finir

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Examples of French Verbs ending in IR of the 2nd group:

maigrir - to lose weight, durcir - to harden, ramollir - to soften, bannir - to ban, réagir - to react, éclaircir - to lighten/clarify, convertir - to convert, vomir - to vomit, agir - to act, vieillir - to age, jaunir - to yellow, réfléchir - to reflect, rafraîchir - to refresh, enrichir - to enrich, grandir - to grow, réussir - to succeed, réunir - to reunite, s’évanouir - to faint, agrandir - to enlarge, salir - to dirty, pourrir - to rot, bénir - to bless, trahir - to betray, mincir - to become thinner, bâtir - to build, définir - to define, subir - to undergo/suffer, refroidir - to cool, raccourcir - to shorten, applaudir - to applaud, rougir - to blush, unir - to unite, mûrir - to mature, obéir - to obey, approfondir - to deepen, grossir - to gain weight, moisir - to mold, désobéir - to disobey, démolir - to demolish, établir - to establish, fleurir - to bloom, noircir - to blacken, atterrir - to land, guérir - to heal, ralentir - to slow down, embellir - to embellish, jaillir - to gush/spring forth, finir - to finish, épaissir - to thicken, appauvrir - to impoverish, investir - to invest, choisir - to choose, garantir - to guarantee, surgir - to emerge, remplir - to fill, assortir - to match, arrondir - to round, avertir - to warn, envahir - to invade, fournir - to provide, rajeunir - to rejuvenate, gémir - to moan, rôtir - to roast, élargir - to widen, aplatir - to flatten, nourrir - to feed, réjouir - to rejoice, punir - to punish

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