Conjugate -ER Verbs Regular French Pronunciation Pdf

How to Conjugate French Regular -ER Verbs, 1 gr? Could use this French Verb Conjugator App! Introduce First group verbs and get Conjugation tables for French verb in present, future, past. For beginners with Audio Pronunciation and Pdf Download. Create worksheet for study.

Conjugation: donner

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Examples of French Verbs ending in ER of the 1st group:

embrasser - to kiss, coucher - to sleep, acheter - to buy, écouter - to listen, continuer - to continue, poser - to pose, jouer - to play, payer - to pay, demander - to ask, donner - to give, porter - to wear/carry, préparer - to prepare, expliquer - to explain, juger - to judge, quitter - to leave, ajouter - to add, entrer - to enter, cacher - to hide, regarder - to watch/look at, gagner - to win/earn, garder - to keep, raconter - to tell/narrate, chercher - to search/look for, espérer - to hope, pousser - to push, apporter - to bring, tuer - to kill, posséder - to possess, voler - to steal/fly, rencontrer - to meet, compter - to count, présenter - to present, ressembler - to resemble, sauver - to save, crier - to shout/scream, élever - to raise, annoncer - to announce, nommer - to name, plonger - to dive, oublier - to forget, rester - to stay, travailler - to work, retrouver - to find again, monter - to climb/go up, avancer - to advance, jeter - to throw, frapper - to hit, rappeler - to recall/remind, passer - to pass/spend, trouver - to find, rêver - to dream, changer - to change, tirer - to pull/shoot, montrer - to show, pleurer - to cry, manger - to eat, rentrer - to return/go home, prier - to pray, parler - to speak, lever - to lift/raise, essayer - to try, toucher - to touch, voyager - to travel, semer - to sow/scatter, prononcer - to pronounce, demander - to demand/ask

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